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Have a quick question? Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions to see if your issue has been addressed already.
We have answered many of the common questions we receive about VeriVide products and services as well as those about Pantone, RAL and NCS.
If your question is not listed please contact us on

Can you supply free colour samples?

No, we cannot supply free colour samples for NCS, RAL and Pantone colours. There is a small charge as the colour standard is the product rather than the paint, ink or fabric.

Paint, wallpaper and curtain manufacturers may give free colour samples and charts away, as they know many people will return to buy the product. Pantone RAL and NCS cannot do this as the end product is not sold by them. They hold the global Intellectual Property of the colours with their colour reference numbers. Paint and coating companies pay a licence to have permission to produce material in those colours.

Pantone, RAL and NCS have developed internationally recognised and globally available colour standards. Use them to send to clients, plan your designs, communicate with manufacturers and check the final product.

Samples of Pantone, RAL and NCS colours can be taken to a paint mixing shop or supplied to a coatings, plastic masterbatch or textile company.


Can I retro fit LED in my CAC?

No, we do not retro fit LED lighting into CAC light booths. LED retrofit light tubes for replacement of fluorescent lamps in offices or homes are unsuitable for light booths.

This is because they are not made to a tight tolerance to CIE illuminants.  Rather than LED retro fit we recommend investing in VeriVide’s new LED technology.

This works to tighter tolerances than other aftermarket LED alternatives and does not suffer from the fringing effect associated with alternative systems.

Need LED “Point of Sale” (POS) light only? The product for you is the CAC LED light booth which contains traditional fluorescent light sources. You then choose one LED from four of the most common LED POS light sources: – colour temperatures 3000k, 3100k, 3500k and 4000k. Ask the retailer for their LED specification or send a sample to be measured at VeriVide.

If you prefer to future proof your colour assessment then the new UltraView light booth is pre programmed with multiple switch sets, each switch set has up to 8 tuneable LED light sources. Say goodbye to having several light booths if you supply multiple retailers. Now you can have all the possible POS light sources in one light booth as well as D65, D50 for your packaging, UV and A.

Who is VeriVide?

VeriVide manufacture specialist lighting and imaging tools for visual and digital assessment of colour and appearance.
All products are manufactured at our Head Office in Enderby, Leicestershire and distributed globally by our network of distributors.
VeriVide has been at the forefront of developing and updating worldwide and customer specific standards for almost 60 years. Many global brands consult VeriVide when setting their global colour standards for suppliers. It is for this reason, that VeriVide has developed long-term relationships with supply chains throughout the world.

Who uses VeriVide products?

Who uses VeriVide products? Anyone who is interested in the colour or appearance of their product!

VeriVide serves any industry where products must meet a visual quality goal. This means that our products are used in industries as varied as currency and identification card manufacturers, cosmetics, food and food packaging, pharmaceuticals and dish soap and all manner of textiles. We can help you to match a colour, look for physical faults and comply with international standards.

Why do I need standardised viewing conditions?

Standardised viewing conditions ensure your product represents the original concept or design in any environment. They refer to the specification for visual assessment which every brand and retailer should have and share with their supply chain. This document sets out the conditions for viewing the product including the angle of viewing, size of the sample, the type of colour standard and most importantly the light sources and viewing environment.

Using standardised viewing conditions, the same decision will be reached each time visual assessment occurs.

Textile Retailer

Standardised viewing conditions help you ensure that the garments you produce are as faithful a representation of the original design as possible. It is important to avoid metamerism and to be aware of how they will look under store lighting (POS).

Textile Manufacturer

Standardised viewing conditions, often specified by your manufacturer, ensure that you can accurately produce garments as intended. Removing costly re runs or corrections and even loss of business. They ensure that the fabric looks how it should under your client’s point of sale lighting and it does not suffer from metamerism.


Standardised lighting conditions replicate the spectrophotometer conditions and ensure that the recipes you formulated from the spectral data match the intended colour. Your customers need the products to match the colour standard under multiple light sources avoiding metamerism. For many of your clients visual assessment is still key; spectral data alone does not give them peace of mind.

Flexographic Printer

Standardised lighting helps flexographic printers working with brand or spot colours ensure they meet the high standards expected. VeriVide’s specialist print and packaging range ensures that finished products are accurate representations of the original design.

Quality Assurance

For quality assurance specialists, visual assessment is a vital part of ensuring high-quality products. Assessing colour and also appearance, is a vital part of many companies quality assurance. VeriVide light booths are used by Food manufacturers to ensure consistency and quality of large volumes of products, sometimes comparing against standard images created in DigiEye. For those working with composites, visual assessment is used to check for flaws. In any industry, viewing a product can be the difference between product failure and the high-quality products their customers expect.

Technical Textiles

Technical Textiles manufacturers and end users use VeriVide light booths to highlight imperfections and colour issues. Visual assessment is a vital part of ensuring that standards are upheld and customers are happy. This is especially true in industries where perfection is expected by the end clients such as the luxury automotive industry.

Lithographic Printer

VeriVide CCC’s are used to ensure consistency of colour and quality of print runs against proofs. Use VeriVide CCC’s in showrooms to aid client presentations and demonstrate capability to build and retain business. In a highly competitive industry that is constantly in search of an advantage, standardised assessment conditions allow for consistent replication of colour and colour branding. Likewise, VeriVide products allow you to visually assess deviation of spot colours against colour standards as well as between proofs and samples from print runs.

How do I assemble my light booth?

All VeriVide products including the light booths are supplied with set up instructions. The Colour Assessment Cabinets (CAC) come with detailed assembly instructions, including a diagram, inside the box.

Unpack your light booth, and find the additional items packed with the canopy which holds the lamps. These include the power cable, screws, assembly diagram, instruction book and switch panel guide.

Follow this step by step video guide. 

What is the Colour Assessment Cabinet (CAC)?

Our Colour Assessment cabinets (CAC) are light booths providing the ideal conditions for visual assessment of colour and appearance. Containing standardised light sources with a neutral grey interior, they come in a two sizes to suit your application. Primarily used to make pass/fail decisions when comparing a standard against batch in the product development or production process for items such as clothing, plastics, food and automotive components.

What is the Colour Control Cabinet (CCC)?

The Colour Control Cabinet (also known as CCC cabinet) is designed specifically for the printing industry. They are taller than traditional light booths to accommodate a unique VeriVide feature – a concave viewing deck (curved back). This ensures that the angle between the printed image and the observer’s eyes minimises specular reflection from the print. Especially important with surface sheen, as specular reflection is the white glow you can see when light bounces off a glossy surface. If this is present it interferes with your ability to see the true colour of the print.

Colour Control Cabinets (CCC) have a magnetic viewing deck supplied with small magnets.  These secure prints in place leaving your hands free for holding the colour standards or recording observations.

What is DigiEye?

DigiEye is a digital colour measurement system used by quality assurance professionals particularly in the textiles, food and automotive industries. It is also used by buyers and designers to quickly select colour ways.

DigiEye was designed to fill the gap between spectrophotometers and visual assessment. DigiEye is more precise and objective than visual assessment and can measure far more substrates than a spectrophotometer including patterned garments and reflective materials.

How does DigiEye work?

How does DigiEye work?

DigiEye uses a digital camera to see colour, in the same way as you and your customers. Consequently it gives an objective, precise visual benchmark for the assessment of products or samples. Store colour product and standard images and send digitally to a calibrated viewing station. End of production QC can also use colour accurate printed images. DigiEye is perfect for users that prefer to see the colour they are measuring rather than attempting to interpret raw spectral data that doesn’t show how a product will actually look.

How many NCS colours are there?

The total quantity of NCS Standard colours in the NCS colour collections is 2050.

NCS publish the 2050 Standard colours in a variety of formats. Most products contain the complete collection of 2050 colours but some have smaller, specific colour ranges.

The smaller colour collections are used for designing specific products, Exterior, for example, is for colouration of exterior materials such as bricks, concrete and paving. WS 160 is ideal when only low chromatic colours (whites, greys) rather than saturated colours are required.

The Inspire is a great tool when you’re starting a colour scheme from scratch and need inspiration. It contains popular colours used by architects and designers divided into themes which makes it easy to navigate.

Bespoke colours can be created by NCS if a shade or nuance in between the standard set of colours is required.

What is DigiView?

DigiView is a DigiEye software option. Simply it is a Smart Swatch Tool providing a quick and simple way of looking at colour submissions, offering remote, vision-based colour assessment.
Instead of ΔE* (Delta E) colour distance data, DigiEye offers users a visual interpretation of colour distance. Product is shown exactly how it will actually appear to customers.