January 6th 2021

VeriVide’s social responsibility to COVID-19

VeriVide’s social responsibility to COVID-19


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Last updated on 6th January 2021 –

As the outbreak of COVID-19 has affected individuals and businesses, we thought to keep you updated about VeriVide’s actions in this unfortunate event.

Our production facilities will remain open for business. Strict social distancing policies are in place following UK Government advice to ensure everyone’s safety. We continue to manufacture and deliver orders for VeriVide’s products and Pantone, RAL and NCS colour standards.

Our primary focus is the health and safety of our employees, suppliers and customers and we make sure to do everything possible to achieve it. The following information includes all the actions we continue to take in compliance with the guidelines of the UK government about businesses and employees.

Employees’ Protection

Thanks to the digital era, many of our employees continue to work from home, as it is crucial to eliminate social distance in office and keep them safe. We continue to support you for any queries or colour advice you might need.

We have ensured that all employees are informed about the latest government Covid guidelines, paying attention to personal hygiene and measures to protect others, including social distancing. Personal responsibility is significant in this unprecedented time, and we encourage our employees to report illness or any kind of discomfort immediately.  

Customer Service & Orders

Taking into consideration the current situation, we have decided the following about the products and services we offer:


Our production facilities will remain open, following strict social distance policies. Therefore, we continue to manufacture and deliver VeriVide’s Light Cabinets, DigiEye system and fulfil orders for textile testing equipment but we might have delays in dispatching the products. However, you can collect your order from VeriVide’s HQ in Leicester from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Colour Standards 

We continue to deliver orders for Pantone, RAL and NCS colour standards. Place your order before 12:30 pm and get it next day. You can collect your order from VeriVide’s HQ in Leicester from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, maintaining social distancing.

Calibration Service

The safety of our Customers and Service Technicians is paramount. As such the difficult decision has been made, that our UK on-site servicing and maintenance support will be postponed until further notice due to the lockdown as of the 5th of November. We aim to advise all customers as soon as servicing is made available again and we will schedule services in at the earliest possible dates. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause

Colour Training Course & Colour Vision Testing

Our Colour Training Courses and Colour Vision Testing will be postponed until the end of the 2nd national Covid lockdown. After the lockdown, the courses and testing can be scheduled as usual in our headquarters or at your office. To maintain social distancing, we will accept up to 4 people, including our Chartered Colourist who is responsible for the training. Contact us to schedule a Colour Training Course or a Colour Vision Testing. We are exploring the option for digital courses in the upcoming future.

Remote support for DigiEye System

The installation of the pioneering DigiEye system, for digital colour and appearance measurement, requires the presence of our technical experts or our local agents to implement the equipment which means it may be postponed depending on the current situation and your location. We can still offer effective telephone and internet-based support. Our staff are equipped with mobile communication solutions. Support using Team Viewer, Skype, Webex and other apps is available too.

For remote colour assessment, DigiView is the ideal smart tool. Good news if you have already implemented the DigiEye system in your supply chain, as we can supply DigiView Software by electronic transfer, and guide you through the installation process and set up of the calibrated monitor.

Suppliers’ Payments

Despite this difficult situation, it’s business as usual. With this in mind, we will continue to work with our suppliers, arranging their payments with punctuality, thus we maintain excellent relationships with them which is essential for our business.

Exhibitions & Traveling

Trade shows that we would have planned to exhibit at this year, have been postponed until further notification. Consequently, all the travel plans of our employees has been cancelled as well. However, we have exhibited for the first time virtually in the Innovative Textile & Apparel Virtual Show that was live on 15-30 October 2020.

The Make it British Live event has been rescheduled and the actual dates are 9th and 10th March 2021. TechTextil exhibition in North America, the show for technical textiles and nonwovens, has been postponed and rescheduled on 23-25 August 2021 which will take place at the Raleigh Convention & Conference Center in North Carolina. The most well-known trade show for composites, Advanced Engineering, has been rescheduled on 3 & 4 November 2021 which will be live in Birmingham.

VeriVide Office Visit & Meetings

We try to make all our face to face meetings virtual.  Customers and stakeholder meetings about equipment testing or demonstration are through a variety of Digital Platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Team Viewer, Skype, Webex.

Remember that VeriVide’s team can still support and give you advice for any colour challenge or any question you may have by email to enquiries@verivide.com or by phone to +44 (0) 116 284 7790.

It’s a difficult time for everyone, thus we will continue to work, taking every health precaution into consideration with the priority of keeping you and us safe.

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