August 9th 2017

Placement comes to an end for De Montfort student Swapneil

Placement comes to an end for De Montfort student Swapneil


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Friday the 28th July was a sad day at VeriVide headquarters as we waved goodbye to a valuable member of the team. We wish we could have had you for longer Swapneil, but you do have your final year to complete at De Montfort University.

It has been an absolute pleasure to have Swapneil on board during his placement year and whilst we are reluctant to see him go, everyone at VeriVide wishes him all the luck for the future and we know he will pass his computer science course with flying colours. Like most university courses, Swapneil will finish his with a final year project and when asked what his will be about, drones were mentioned… cool hey?

Before he said goodbye, Swapneil was asked to do a presentation of what he has been working on over the past year… and yes as you can see from the photos below cream cakes were involved!

Swapneil presenting
cream cakes

After his presentation, Swapneil was asked the question that most of us dread (especially in those interview situations), “what do you feel has been your biggest achievement”?

He answered, “my biggest achievement this year has been developing a software from scratch that didn’t exist before, which will be used in pretty much all testing processes here at VeriVide.” – yeah, pretty impressive achievement if you ask us!

The product development team here at VeriVide are continually looking for ways that technology, products and services can be improved and with Swapneil’s software we will be able to boost production time, improve quality control and give the end user more flexibility.

In layman terms, before any products are shipped to clients, it will be tested using Swapneil’s swanking software, to ensure everything is above board and as it should be.

The second question asked (which is probably more dreaded than the first one), “what challenges did you face”?

He answered, “being a computer scientist I deal and am familiar with codes, algorithms, data etc. Measuring colour is the bread and butter of VeriVide and when I first started it soon came apparent how complex this area was and how little knowledge I had of this area. The team here see colour in 3D and often speak about terms that I had never come across such as colour rendering index, Kelvin etc. After a year, I have a better understanding of what these terms mean, however, the technical team have truly helped me to understand how my computer science knowledge can be implemented in VeriVide’s technology. They had the concept which I was able to make into a reality. My strength is understanding hardware and being able to create interfaces that allows users to interact with machines”.

DigiEye team

Swapneil is originally from India, and has decided to spend some time there with the family, before his course starts again later this year. Along with English and obviously computer language, he can also speak Hindi and 5 other regional languages in India. Did you know that there are just under 16,000 different languages spoken in India, with 1,222 being major ones?

Not only is Swapneil a computer scientist who is multilingual, but he can also play the piano – he made it to grade 5! Do your talents end Swapneil?

In all seriousness, we are sad to see you go but know you have a bright future ahead of you! Thanks for all that you have done for VeriVide and we hope you enjoyed the cream doughnuts and cream cakes!

Swapneil enjoying cake

We’ll always welcome university students with open arms and are thrilled when they chose us for their placement year. With innovative ideas, different point of views and eagerness to learn, students play an essential role in product development here at VeriVide. Swapneil wasn’t the first placement student we had on board and hopefully won’t be the last! Get in touch for placement opportunities by calling us on +44 (0)116 284 7790 or emailing

Swapniel in action

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