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Here at VeriVide, we are constantly adapting products and solutions in order to provide the best visual and digital equipment for our customers. The VeriVide research and development team are extremely busy with new innovations and discontinuing the 150 light booth range, enables us to have more space for new products in our portfolio! Therefore, we are bidding a fond farewell to our 150 light booth range in both our Colour Assessment Cabinets and Colour Control Cabinets from the 1st August 2021. The CAC/CCC150 range will be discontinued purely for commercial reasons, but fear not, we will still provide spare parts such as lamps for the foreseeable future.

And of course we still have our 60 & 120 ranges, which you can find on our website here. The VeriVide Light Booths are an indispensable tool for colour assessment to detect metamerism, colour quality control and comparison of colours. The stability of our light sources gives excellent viewing conditions to make reliable colour critical decisions under standardised fluorescent and LED point of sales lighting (D65, D50, 840P15, F, UV and LED). VeriVide’s Light Booths have been designed specifically for colour matching and evaluation of any material where precise control of colour is critical. Our light booth range includes Colour Assessment Cabinets (CAC), Colour Control Cabinets and DCAC Particulate Viewing Cabinets. These light cabinets meet or surpass ISO 3664 and BS 950 Part 1 international standards, ensuring agreement and colour consistency throughout global supply chains.

Watch this space for new product arrivals coming your way very soon!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or 0116 248 7790.

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