Supply Chain Transformation

Sixty years after its invention, VeriVide is still working on applications for the D65 light source, and has developed colour assessment technologies for every industry in which colour has significance. That’s a lot of industries!

 VeriVide’s DigiEye system makes it possible to share colour assessment data instantly throughout the supply chain. This greatly improves quality assurance and supplier relationships. Not only being cost and time effective, but significantly reducing the amount of C02 produced from shipping samples across the globe. VeriVide is helping to improve our customers carbon footprint!

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

 VeriVide packaging is made with wood-based material under Chain of Custody Certification schemes (COC) such as Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®). FSC is a trade certified program in which forest products such as timber and wood fibre products are supplied with responsible forest management practices. Our wood supplier is FSC certified which means that all woods to their factory are derived from sustainable and managed forests.

Lamps WEEE Compliant

The disposal of lamps is in compliance with WEEE regulations (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations). We are a registered member of the Recolight WEEE scheme, the only lamp specialist with full compliance to the requirements of the UK WEEE Regulations.                     

WEEE Registration No.  WEE/HA0340YW

Recolight WEEE Scheme Member